Impact Update

Social Enterprise Seminar: Digital Marketing Maze

This event will be conducted in Cantonese. Please refer to the Chinese version for details. Non-Chinese reading audience please email us at priscilla.wong@hkcss.org.hk, if interested to know more.

Briefing session on "Mental Health and Well-being" related applications

This event will be conducted in Cantonese. Please refer to the Chinese version for details. Email: info@socialinnovation.org.hk

【Learn from your neighborhood】: Art you ok?

This event will be conducted in Cantonese. Please refer to the Chinese version for details. Non-Chinese reading audience please email us at priscilla.wong@hkcss.org.hk, if interested to know more.

"Mental Health and Well-being" themed activity and briefing session

This event will be conducted in Cantonese. Please refer to the Chinese version for details. Email: info@socialinnovation.org.hk

SIE Fund’s special cohort - Call for innovative proposals addressing mental health and well-being in Hong Kong

Well-being and mental health have become issues of concern, especially under the COVID-19 pandemic and the uncertain economic environment. In response to this emerging need, HKCSS&rs…

Social Enterprise Seminar: Pitching Skills Secured

Event Details: Date: 22 July 2021 (Thursday)
Time: 7:30 - 9:30 pm (Registration starts at 7:20 pm)
Format: Online webinar via Zoom (Please en…

Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Fund (SIE Fund) Briefing Session

Do you have any innovative ideas that address the problems of poverty and social exclusion in Hong Kong? Are you looking for funding and other kinds of support to commercialise,…

【Learn from your neighborhood】: Seniors Go Digital

This event will be conducted in Cantonese. Please refer to the Chinese version for details. Non-Chinese reading audience please email us at priscilla.wong@hkcss.org.hk, if interested to know more.…