Impact Update

Additional application cohorts on 30 September 2022 and 31 December 2022 due to overwhelming demand

Appointed as an Intermediary of the Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Fund (SIE Fund) in 2015, the Hong Kong Council of Social Service launched Impact Incubator’s programme. The Impact Incubator is a one-stop platform that connects social innovation implementers (SIIs) to knowledge, resources and networks relevant to social welfare agencies, social enterprises, philanthropic foundations, business associations and professional bodies. The Impact Incubator also helps SIIs implement innovative solutions to poverty and social exclusion problems in Hong Kong and drive sustainable impact.

From 2015 to now, the Impact Incubator supported over 170 social innovation projects. Due to the overwhelming number of applications received so far, the SIE Fund has arranged Impact Incubator to call for two more application cohorts; deadlines are 30 September 2022 and 31 December 2022, respectively. Application and eligibility details remain unchanged. Impact Incubator is open to applications for Late Prototype, Start-up, Growing and Scale-Up funding proposals. Please note that the two additional cohorts will only accept applications for funding periods of 18 months or less across all four stages.
