Social Innovation is a force for social change. Social entrepreneurs develop and adopt effective solutions in addressing social needs in various ways, including product, platform, process and policy innovation.

Trial and Error Lab

Providing trainings and supports for youth who will develop their career in the cultural and creative industry


Year Established: 2016

Beneficiaries: 16-35 years old youth (for example  those who are aspired to work in the cultural and creative industry or less academically inclined)
Trial and Error Lab HK
Train up youths for alternative career path


  • Young people  who are less academically inclined are difficult to find a job with reasonable pay in the mainstream labour sector, consequently falling into the group of working poor
  • The career development in Hong Kong for youth is limited, due to narrow job selection, high economic costs and lack of support for innovative industry


  • Trial and Error Lab is a new form of vocational service that encourages young people who are aspired to join the cultural and creative industries to freely test ideas in the co-working space at a low rental cost, and hence develop a sustainable career as craftsmen or artisans
  • Creative industry insiders will  share their experiences and provide skill trainings, so young people can explore startup pathway


30 young artisans and designers will be recruited to be the lab fellows and received one-on-one career planning
225 youngsters will be trained through the Trial Academy and prepared  to join the cultural and creative industry
900 students will be engaged in the Junior Lab Fellows Programme to understand diversified career development
2,500 members of the public will be reached through Public Trial and Error Events 


Trial and Error Lab gain revenue through organising various workshops, training classes, career talks, art demonstration and sharing sessions for youth to join, as well as different outreach events for general public and corporations.


Lab Fellow Residency Programme

Young talents who work in handcrafts, design, art and media industry are recruited as lab fellows. In the 1 to 2 years of residency, they could enjoy a low-cost working space, relevant trainings and support service.

“The Trial Academy”

Offer young people a systematic training programme with workshops or mentorship tutorials on craftsmanship, entrepreneurship and generic business skills

“Junior Lab Fellows Programme”

Collaborate with schools to hold talks and invite experienced artisans as mentors to share knowledge in cultural and creative industry and demonstrate craftsmanship in tutorial class

Public Trial and Error Events

Organise public events like “Error Fridays” and the annual “Mini-Fest” as well as outreach to commercial corporations and public organizations through luncheons, workshops or mini-market.