Social Innovation is a force for social change. Social entrepreneurs develop and adopt effective solutions in addressing social needs in various ways, including product, platform, process and policy innovation.

Healthy Life - Stroke Management

Apply new technology, a non- invasive approach to access the risk of stroke and get the results within short period of time


Year Established: 2017

Beneficiaries: Low-income families
Check for your body, Avoid for the strokes


  • There are around 3000 people died from stroke every year in Hong Kong and elderly are usually having higher risk in suffering from stroke. Due to aging problem, the related medical costs will be significantly increased
  • Majority of strokes occurred which resulted adverse mental and financial impact to the patients and their families


  • The first social welfare organisation to introduce “Automatic Retinal Image Analysis”, a non-invasive approach in Hong Kong helping public to assess the risk of stroke
  • Leverage low-cost detection technology to educate high-and medium-risk individuals to improve their lifestyle and reduce stroke opportunities


2,480 public will participate in the stroke risk assessment service and receive health education and individual consultation

200 people from low-income family can enjoy the assessment for free

Disadvantaged groups will be provided with job opportunities in supporting the execution of the programme
Promote the importance of healthy life management in order to reduce the chance of getting stroke as well as the expensive medical cost


Healthy Life Stroke Management receives assessment fees to operate the programme


Provide workshops on healthy lifestyle

Suggest some exercise and hold some group/ individual consultation sessions to people who have higher risk in getting stroke

Expand health education in community

Hire disadvantaged people to coordinate the programme and conduct health education projects in community