Social Innovation is a force for social change. Social entrepreneurs develop and adopt effective solutions in addressing social needs in various ways, including product, platform, process and policy innovation.


Measure and monitor the stress level of elderly and design a daily schedule to improve


Year Established: 2017

Beneficiaries: Elderly 

Cheer up, elderly!


  • The problem of aging population is becoming more serious. It is expected that in 2064, elderly will share a total of 35.9% in Hong Kong population
  • Elderly is under immense pressure in their daily lives, which can adversely affect their psychological wellbeing


  • Through introducing "Belun Ring", elderly' daily stress levels can be regularly examined. Social workers will custom-made a daily schedule with different activities, such as physical exercises and interest classes, for each participant, so as to enrich their social lives and relieve pressure


120 elderly to be joined
20 caregivers to be joined

The mental health of 70% of the elderly to be improved
Improve the stress status and emotional well-being of the elderly to achieve the goal of living at home


Cheers uses the "Belun Ring" to measure and monitor the stress level of elderly and then custom-made daily schedule with different activities in order to release their pressure



Designing daily schedule 

Based on the stress level and psychological conditions of the elderly, a series of activities and schedules will be drafted out to fit their needs