is a one-stop supporting platform that connects social innovation implementers (SIIs) to expert resources and networks, such as social welfare agencies, social enterprises, funders, business associations and professional bodies. This platform helps SIIs implement innovative solutions to poverty and social exclusion problems in Hong Kong for sustainable impact. Since 2015, the Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Fund (SIEF) has appointed Impact Incubator as an Intermediary to develop and implement this platform.
During 2015 to 2022, Impact Incubator has deployed over HKD100 million grant funding, on behalf of the SIEF. Together with Impact Incubator's non-financial support, these funds have helped over 190 social entrepreneurs and their projects scale up to serve local beneficiaries. Impact Incubator is open to funding applications for HKD300,000 or above.
Incubation Figures

impact fund granted

Incubated 0+
social innovation projects